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Safari Ltd.

Safari Ltd. Bactrian Camel

Bactrian camels can be found in the desert regions of central and Eastern Asia. Unlike dromedary camels, Bactrian camels can easily be distinguished by the two humps on their back. They’re quite large, and can be over 7 feet tall and weigh over 1,800 pounds.

  • History: Bactrian camels are often heralded for their efficiency as pack animals. They’re able to carry up to 500 pounds, and can walk up to 30 miles a day. They were believed to have been domesticated 3,500 years ago in either Afghanistan or Turkey. However, due to incomplete and spotty records, it’s difficulty to clarify which culture first domesticated them.
  • Scientific Name: Camelus bactrianus
  • Characteristics: Bactrian camels can live to be over 50 years old, so you’ll have tons of time to spend with this amazing animal! All Safari wildlife figurines, including this Bactrian Camel toy, feature beautiful craftsmanship in order to capture the spirit of each animal they portray, and this Bactrian camel is no different!
  • Size: Measuring 4.25 inches long and 3.75 inches tall, this Bactrian Camel toy model is about an inch longer and taller than a deck of cards stood on its side.
  • The Bactrian Camel is part of the Wild Safari® Wildlife collection
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free
  • $8.50 USD

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